Show & Tell Tuesdays: Favorite Pinterest Pins

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Andrea for another fun round of Show and Tell Tuesdays.  

My Favorite Pins on Pinterest

This post is going to hard for me because I have so many pins that I love! According to Pinterest I have 5.6k pins... that's a lot of pins to choose from.

But if I had to choose five, these would be the top five:


This one speaks volumes to me because I often feel like I am unable to express to my friends and family the frustrations that I experience when my anxiety is high.  This article expresses in words the way I would be unable to express to my friends.  If you {or anyone you know} has anxiety, this is a great article to have for future reference.  


This next one is part of a huge list of Inspirational Pins I have on Pinterest.  When I started this board it was meant to just house a few pins that inspire me, but over time it has become a place a go to when I am feeling overwhelmed and like I cannot move forward.  This pin in particular stood out to me at this particular journey in my life.

For more inspirational quotes, check out my entire board of pins!


This next one was pinned more recently, but it has already been very helpful for my relationship with Justin (and other relationships as well to be honest).  Often times when we receive advice we are quick to dismiss or diminish the advice - not with this one.  I have actively tried to follow these steps and have found that it really does work! 


Ever since we seriously started talking about buying a house, I have been daydreaming about what my craft room will look like.  To be honest, I have been dreaming about a craft room for a LONG time {I think ever since I saw my mother-in-law's craft room for the first time}.  This pin is a great way to get inspiration for my future {like way in the future} craft room.


Anytime I come across a pin that makes me laugh - I quickly add it to my For When I Need to Laugh Board.  Just like my board of inspirations, this one is also good for when I am having a rough day. This particular pin, I saved directly to my phone and shared with all of my girlfriends.  


Well that is all for today's post!

Next up on Show and Tell Tuesdays.....

Show and Tell Us About Your Hometown

Question of the Day: What is your favorite pin on pinterest?

I'd love to hear from you!

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