Currently: May 2016

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are looking forward to some fun plans this weekend! Today I am doing another fun round of "currently".  I came across this idea on Becca Dorr's Blog - you should check her out!

ANTICIPATING My birthday! It is so hard to believe that we are already at the point that we will be closing on our house within the month.  It feels like just yesterday I started talking to Justin about buying a house and here we are getting ready to finalize our closing documents and close on the house.  May 31st cannot get here quickly enough.

CLEANING The entire apartment.  With the big move upcoming, we have been going through everything to try and minimize all of our items and get rid of things that we do not need.  This also includes cleaning the items that we do not need any longer.  It feels good to get rid of things and not have as much clutter in our apartment!

DREADING Packing up the rest of the apartment.  Moving is such a huge pain in the rear and I am dreading packing up all of our stuff.

DRINKING So much water! I have been trying to drink 100oz or so a day - I never get that much - but I already feel so much better after actually being hydrated.  There really is something to be said about properly hydrating yourself.

FEELING Excited.  Mother's Day is on Sunday, my birthday is next week and we have so many fun things planned for this month.

LISTENING Birds.  It is the time of year where the birds are singing loudly and I have been really enjoying their little songs.  There is something so special to me when I hear a bird singing.  It probably has to do with my Gramma Jackie and her love of birds as well.  I am really hoping when we have our house, I can put a bird feeder somewhere so I can watch the birds while at home.

PLAYING Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.  Believe it or not, the streak is still going on with Nick and Kevin and we have been trying to play every weekend.  I love these games and it is so fun to play with them.   

READING For May I am hoping that I get a few books for my birthday.  But as of right now, I am planning to read The One and The Heir from Kiera Cass as well as What Alice Forgot


RECOVERING I threw out my back again last week while folding laundry (I know, lame), so I have been working to get the muscles to relax and get back to normal.  With this week being so busy, I really did not have time for my back to be going out. 

TRYING New recipes.  One of the goals Justin and I have for May is to cook new recipes and eat out less than we did last month.  I have a few recipes pulled, but you can check out some of the recipes I have pinned on my Pinterest board. 

WAITING My cousin announced a few weeks ago that she is pregnant with her first baby! She is due in November and I am so excited for.  She let us know this morning that she will find out the gender in six or so week and I cannot wait! I would love to make her a blanket.

WALKING Right now I am just focusing on getting 10,000 steps a day to meet my daily goal.  Nothing too exciting! However, if you have a fitbit, let me know! I am always looking for new people to compete with! 

WEARING I've been wearing a lot of fun colored flats lately for work to try and coordinate my outfits which is so much fun! 

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?

I'd love to hear from you!

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