Stuck in an Elevator....

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you are looking forward to some fun things this week! The weather is lovely here and I have been enjoying breaking out my fall clothes and shoes and of course all of the fall drinks at Starbucks.

Today I wanted to share with you another fun prompt from The Sits Girls and their monthly writing prompts.  Every now and then I check out their prompts to see what fun things that have suggested and I thought this one would be a fun topic to share!

For today's post we are going to talk about if I was stuck in an elevator, who would I want to be stuck with?

Honestly, if I was stuck in an elevator, I might freak out just a little bit.  I do not do well in small places unless I have windows to look out of.  Thankfully, my work has all glass elevators and they move quickly so if the elevator would to get stuck I would be in good shape even if I was stuck by myself at work. 

But when it comes to being stuck with someone in an elevator, I think I would want my husband to be there with me.  Not only is he a generally calm person, he knows what to do to keep me calm when I am having a freak out of any kind.  On top of keeping me calm, he is easy to talk to so we could just sit and talk for a while until we were able to get out of the elevator.

But honestly, getting stuck in an elevator would totally suck but we are surrounded by technology.  It would be easy to grab my phone and watch something on YouTube or spend some time catching up on Facebook while I waited for someone to come and get me.

Question of the Day: Who would you want to have stuck in an elevator with you?

I'd love to hear from you!

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