Stranded with.... Movies Edition

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Shay and Erika for a fun new series called "Stranded With" where you discuss three things you would take if you were stranded on deserted island.

For today's series, we are focusing on....


Honestly, when I was thinking about which movies I would want to bring with me, I really had a hard time narrowing it down to just three movies.  Justin and I are huge movie lovers, so I had to think back to the movies I've seen and if I would want to watch them repeatedly when stranded on a deserted island.

So here are my three picks of movies I would watch repeatedly!


The Perks of Being a Wallflower was one of the first movies to pop into my head when I started thinking about movies I would want to watch.  At this point, I think I have seen this movie a half dozen times, so I know that I would like to watch it more than once.  This movie touches on the complexities of growing up - being in high school, having depression, sexual abuse, everything.  And it does it in a way that touches into the deep parts of the heart.  I chose this one to be my "sad" movie that I could watch whenever I needed a good cry.  


Okay, so I had to put Monty Python and the Holy Grail on my list because this movie just cracks me up.  This movie comes up in conversation on a regular basis in my life because it is so quotable.  And the older I get, the funnier I seem to think the movie to be.  This movie would be specifically reserved for when I need a pick me up and to just be all around silly.  


The last movie I chose was Spy.  Have you seen this one? Oh my goodness it is so funny.  Melissa McCarthy is just so hilarious and awkward throughout the whole movie that I found myself laughing to the point of tears on more than one occasion.  I picked this movie because it just makes me flat out laugh and I always feel good after I have finished watching the movie. 


So those are the three movies I would take with me if given only three choices! It would appear I prefer comedy more than anything, so at least we know I would be laughing while I was stranded on the island.

To read what other people are saying, check out the link up on Mix and Match Mama's blog today!

Up Next on Stranded With....

Halloween Candy

Question of the Day: What three movies would you take with you to a remote island?

I'd love to hear from you!

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1 comment

  1. I haven't heard of the first one...I will have to check it out. Great list ;)


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