Why I Blog

So often when I am talking to people about being a blogger, their first question is "why do you blog?" It is so funny to me when someone asks me this question because, well, why do literally millions of people have blogs? For each and every person, the reason for blogging is different.  For some, it is a passion for writing.  For others, it is just to make money.  But where does my "why" fit into the blogging universe?

When I started my blog almost 5 years ago (holy cannoli), the reason for blogging was so very different than what it is now.  The blog was going to only focus on fitness, my journey to running a 1/2 marathon and keeping myself in good shape.  And for a good almost year, I regularly posted about my running journey- until I started getting sick and we had no idea what in the world was wrong.  Turns out it was just gall bladder issues, and I promptly got my gall bladder removed in September 2013.

But what happened to the blog? Somewhere in there, it morphed into a blog where I shared my day-to-day life with crafts, recipes and other fun things sprinkled throughout.  And that is basically how the blog has continued to function since the summer of 2013.  For some reason, I was finding the ability to connect with people better when I was talking about crafts and food.  So that is where I stayed and continue to stay.

But all of that being said, that does not answer the question of why I still blog today.  I blog today because I love connecting with others.  I love to find new and exciting things to share with you all - and I also like to connect with other people that are possibly going through some of the hardships as myself.  I also use this blog as a way to have a place to look back on my life and be thankful for what I have, what I've lost and how far I've come.  It is amazing to look at my life five years ago and see how very different I am as a person (both physically and mentally).  And I am grateful to have a place to see my life and share my life with each and every one of you.

Blogging is an act of faith.  Faith that you are not going to be rejected.  Faith that you are going to make a difference.  Faith that you might find your own voice in this world.  And I am grateful to say that this blogging journey has helped me find my voice.  

If you are interested in reading other blogger's posts about their "why", here are a few I found:

Question of the Day: Do you blog? If so, what is your "why"?

I'd love to hear from you!

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