Mother's Day Weekend 2017

Happy Hump Day everyone! I hope the first half of your week has been excellent and you are looking forward to some fun plans the rest of the week! 

I wanted to do a quick update to share a little bit about our Mother's Day festivities and our weekend! My birthday fell on Friday last week, so I took the day off and spend the afternoon/evening hiking and spending time with friends play video games and card games.  On Saturday we spent the evening celebrating my birthday with my family.

On Sunday, we managed to sleep in before needing to get ready to take our mom's out for Mother's Day.  A few years back we started a tradition of taking the moms {and dads} out to brunch at a local Golf Course.  This year we went to Shepherd's Hollow by our home and I think out of the three we've been to, it was my second favorite.  The food was delicious and we enjoyed a nice lunch talking and sharing stories with each other.

After brunch, Justin and his dad spend some time hitting a few golf balls at the driving range while his mom and I watched.  Sunday was such a lovely day! Michigan has been all over the the place lately with crazy weather so we were all excited to have some sun and a light breeze to enjoy. 

After watching the guys hit the golf balls, we made our way home to spend a lazy afternoon enjoying the sun.  For me this included setting up my new hammock my parents got me and sitting outside while reading The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.  I sat in the hammock and read until the sun started going down and it got too cold for me to be out there. 

Overall the weekend was so much fun! Busy, but very fun. 

Question of the Day: What did you do to celebrate mom this year?

I'd love to hear from you!


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