Currently: April 2020

Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are looking forward to some fun plans this Easter weekend! Today I am doing my "currently" post.  I used to do this post once a month and when I was reading through old blog posts and came across this series, I thought it would be fun to bring it back.

ANTICIPATING:  Easter Sunday! While it won't be a normal Easter around here, we are still going to be having ham, green bean casserole and other normal foods we would be eating on Easter Sunday.  We are also planning to get dressed up a little and watch church from home. 

CLEANING: Everything? Is that an acceptable answer here? I actually have created a weekly chore chart for myself and have been following majority of it for the past two weeks.  It actually has been helping me feel a little better about being home all the time.

FEELING: Anxious.  If you didn't know this already, I am not the biggest fan of change.  And right now the entire world is going through a rather big life-changing event.  So I have been a bit anxious lately.  Thankfully all the cleaning I've been doing is helping with that.  

WATCHING:  If you didn't see my Tuesday things post, you should totally check it out.  I talked about five of the shows I have been watching lately.  Also, Justin and I just started watching Nailed It on Netflix and I love that show.  It always brings a big smile to my face.

PLAYING: Our friends and I have been having weekly virtual game nights which include playing Jackbox Games.  Jackbox Games is a wide variety of games that you play right on your cell phone.  It is the perfect game for virtual game night because as long as one person hosts the game, everyone can participate via their own cell phone.  Saturday has quickly become my favorite day of the week.

READING: I actually finished reading Girl, Interrupted yesterday.  I am also listening to Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress which I'm hoping to finish tomorrow.  And I started Great Gatsby last night as well! I've making some good progress on my Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge.

RECOVERING: Honestly, there is not much I am recovering from right now.  Just continuing to push myself forward as we navigate the craziness that is COVID-19.

TRYING: I am currently in the process of testing a BB Cream by Dr. Jart+ that I received from Influenster.  I'm very minimalistic when it comes to makeup so I am excited to see how this works with my skin.  I fully intend on doing a review on here once I've really given the product a good chance.  

WEARING: So I put jeans on for the first time in almost a month last week.  Does that count? Honestly, my clothing mostly consists of leggings and t-shirts.  I'm not really leaving the house, so there's no real need to dress up.  I'd much rather be comfortable than look good when I'm just hanging out at home.

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?
I'd love to hear from you! Starbucks

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