tuesday things: Quarantine Entertainment

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, even if it was not how you are used to normally celebrating Easter.  We did a small dinner at home and watched church online.  Simple, but we really enjoyed each other's company.

Today for Tuesday Things, I wanted to share a few of the things Justin and I have been doing to keep ourselves entertained and from going stir crazy.  I'm sure most of you have done something similar to this or have come up with even more creative things than we have been doing.

Here's what we've been doing to keep ourselves entertained during the quarantine:

1. Watch or Rewatch your favorite TV shows.  

Did you see my Tuesday Things post last week? I talked about some of the shows I had watched since Michigan was put under the Stay Home, Stay Safe directive from our governor.  But let's be honest, the show I was most interested in watching was Tiger King on Netflix.  Have you watched this show? If you did, what did you think? I have to admit, at first I was a bit put off by the show, but like any other train wreck I was unable to look away once I got more than one episode into the show I was hooked.  I think I watched the entire show within 48 hours? At most 72.  The show was so chaotic, yet intriguing.  Let's be honest, the only question I have to ask you is this: Did Carole Baskin kill her husband? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

2. Play Games/Do Puzzles

Justin and I have been doing weekly virtual game nights with our friends and it has been so fun to just connect with others.  While it's not quite the same as us all hanging out in person, it is nice to be able to "see" everyone and enjoy a nice evening of drinking and laughing while we play our games.   If games are not really your thing, you could also "watch" movies with friends by doing a video chat and watching the same thing at the same time.  I did this with my friend Vicki a few weeks ago when we watched "Emma" On Demand.  Two things:
1. If you haven't watched Emma, I highly recommend it! It's very good.
2. Video chatting not your thing? No problem.  Just chat on the phone or text each other while you watch.  You still get almost the same experience as if you were both sitting in the same room together.

Home with your spouse/partner? A few good options for games are Ticket to Ride or Monopoly Deal.  Both are fun games that can be played with only two people.  Another thing we've done is worked on a puzzle we've had half finished for quite some time.  If you don't have any new puzzles, why not see if a neighbor could trade you puzzles? You could disinfect the puzzle or leave it outside for a few days to let the germs die and it would give you both something new to do.

3. Tackle that "Honey Do" List

If you are anything like Justin and I you have a long list of things you've been "meaning" to do around your house, but have not been able to get them done for whatever reason.  Justin and I have actually managed to check a few of those items off our list including painting the master bathroom.  We actually had purchased the paint before the coronavirus hit our area, so it was the perfect time for us to start working on the bathroom.  Now that the room is painted, we're going through and ordering art and other small things to complete the space.  Once they all arrive, I'm excited to put the space all together.  I will be sure to share the before and after on the blog once we've finished the whole space!

Other things on our honey do list that we got done consisted of leaf blowing the backyard (our oak tree doesn't lose leaves until spring), ordered blinds and fans for our bedroom/bathroom, mounted the master bedroom TV to the wall and hung up the artwork we bought for the master bedroom that we've had for several months now. What should we tackle next I wonder?  I'm thinking we will start looking toward the garage and getting it cleaned and organized.  This will depend 100% on the weather of course - especially since Michigan weather is so fickle.

4. Spend Time Outside 

Thank goodness Mother Nature has been kind to Michiganders by giving us some nice weather days over the last few weeks which has given us the opportunity to get outside of our houses and do some activities.  One thing I've been doing is "hanging out" with my neighbor.  This consists of us both sitting on my driveway sipping drinks while six feet apart from each other.  It's great because we are both able to get a chance to socialize with someone else without the risk of getting sick from one another.  This actually has quickly became one of my favorite past times in the afternoons where the sun is shining brightly.

Not sure you want to see anyone that is not already in your home? No problem! Get outside and go for a walk, ride your bike, roller blade, or any other outdoor activity that you can do with your immediate household.

One fun thing I came across while on walks is the adorable sidewalk art I've been seeing everyone doing.  It brought a smile to my face and made me wish I still had some sidewalk chalk as another fun and creative outlet.  

5. Get Creative!

One thing I feel like I never have enough time to do is exercise my creativity.  So of course, I was excited to have some free time to work on crafts/activities that I have been putting off due to "no time".  So I am a total sucker for fun advertisements on Instagram and YouTube and I saw several advertisements for paint by number diamond kits.  So, of course, I asked for one for Christmas.  Justin found some at Joann Fabrics and actually got me 2 different kits to try.  So I pulled one of them out and have been slowly making my way through the different color diamonds and slowly putting the kit together.  This is not a kit that will be done in one day - probably not even in a week of daily work, but it's a fun thing I can pull out while I'm watching TV to keep my hands busy.  Some other things I have been doing include working on knitting projects like baby blankets for my cousin's baby, washcloths for my friend's baby shower and another blanket for my friend's little girl (if you can't tell I always have multiple knitting projects going at all times).  I also have been working on my chalk art by updating my kitchen chalkboard and making a piece of chalk art for my neighbor's pantry.  I really love doing chalk art and challenging myself to new and more complex designs. 

So that is five things we have been doing to keep ourselves busy while we are hanging out at home to help reduce the spread of coronavirus.  Of course we have been doing other things like working (thank goodness we still both have jobs), calling friends and family, video chats with anyone and everyone and reading books from our ever growing "to be read" pile as well.  But I thought I would share some of the more fun options that we've been using to keep ourselves busy.

What things have you and your loved ones been doing to keep busy while you are hanging out at home?

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