Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge: Book #3

Oh hello there! I hope this post finds you happy and healthy and safe.  With the chaos of our world right now, I'm hoping my little space on the internet will bring you a welcomed distraction.  I am so excited to share the second book we read from the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge: The Art of War

Before I get into the review, I'd like to add a little disclaimer: Caroline and I started this journey back in September, but due to COVID-19, I finally felt like I could make time to start doing blog posts again.  So the first few books I will be catching up from books I read a while back.

Reason I picked this book: As simple as it sounds, we actually picked this book because it was a shorter book.  At about 80 pages, it was going to be a quick read in the chaos of both of our crazy busy lives.  

What is this book about? Learn the strategy and philosophy of China's most celebrated military theorist with this highly readable and informative edition of The Art of War. The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the best known and most highly regarded book on military strategy ever written. Although its wisdom is from ancient China, its principles and advice are timeless--as applicable in the boardroom as they are on the battlefield. Unlike contemporary translations that have focused too heavily on applying this military classic to corporate conflicts, this definitive interpretation maintains the impact of the original. Written for martial artists by a martial artist, it is free of academic commentary and ambiguous metaphors, as Hanshi Kaufman uses straightforward prose to explain Sun Tzu's message. Like the original, this new interpretation is divided into thirteen sections, each presenting vital information on military strategy ranging from assessing opposing armies and the proper treatment of troops to the use of spies. 

Recommended for: Anyone interested in war or war strategy - especially historical war time where weapons were more simplistic.  

Something to know: The book is written more in a letter format and reads as though the author is reading his letters out loud to you.

Overall rating: 4.0 stars out of 5.  
This book is not my favorite type of book if I am being honest.  That being said, I did learning about the strategies used in war before modern technology really began impacting how wars were strategized.

Where can I find this book? Click here to purchase on Amazon.
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