May: Month @ a Glance {2021}


Happy May 1st everyone! I hope your year has been off to a great start.  This year has been quite chaotic for Justin and I. (Want to know more? Check out this post about what has been up.) 2021 is shaping up to be a fun year between 4 weddings and other fun plans with our families.  Obviously everything will be done safely as we navigate precautions around COVID.

May is normally a very busy month for us and 2021 is proving to be no different - I have 3 bridal showers, a wedding and a bachelorette party.  Not to mention Mother's Day, my birthday and my mom's birthday.  Oh boy! 

So let's talk a little bit about the month of May and the fun things we're going to try and do this month.

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Bridal Shower for my friend, Sarah.   We're kicking the month off with the first of three bridal showers! My friend Sarah is getting married in June and we are celebrating her this month with a bridal shower. 

2. Mother's Day weekend.  Last year we weren't able to do anything super exciting for Mother's Day so I'm hoping this year we get to do something a little more adventurous with our families.  Michigan is still adhering to strict mask policies (have you seen our numbers, makes sense right?), so we are planning to do a COVID-safe something to celebrate our mothers.

3. Bridal Shower for my cousin.  In a serious of wedding-related events, I have another bridal shower for my cousin.  She's also getting married at the end of the month so we will be celebrating her as well! 

4. Bridal Shower for my other friend, Christina. This time I am playing hostess for a bridal shower for my friend, Christina! I am excited to finally be able to host something for her since her plans have been moved around quite a few times.  Love that I get to help her momma throw her a party to celebrate. 

5. Celebrate Mom's birthday. My mom's birthday usually falls around Memorial Day, so we will be celebrating her this month as well.

6. Bachelorette Weekend for Sarah.  Sarah's Bachelorette Party happens to fall on Memorial Day weekend, so we will be going away for a girls weekend to celebrate her wedding next month! I'm looking forward to celebrating her.

7. Wedding for my cousin. Memorial Day weekend is proving to be a crazy month with a wedding on Sunday to end the weekend and the month.  Looking forward to celebrating my cousin as she marries the man of her dreams. 

Goals for August:

1. Read One Book: This is a recurring goal for me and some months I blow it out of the water and others I struggle.  Normally I aim for two books a month, but this month it is just not realistic for me to think I'll be able to do more than one book. 

2. Clean out the Garage. We had planned to do this in April, but the weather in Michigan proved difficult so sometime this month (I have NO clue when), we are planning to give the garage a good cleaning and decluttering. 

Question of the Day: What are you doing to keep yourself busy while you are at home?

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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