tuesday things {05.04.2021}


Happy Tuesday everybody! I hope your week is off to a great start and you are looking forward to the week ahead.  This weekend we have a wedding to go to - don't worry, it's an small, outdoor wedding.  I cannot wait to see my cousin marry her best friend.

Today I wanted to share another round of Tuesday Things with you all.  This week we're back to the random thoughts in my head for the week! I hope you all don't mind my ramblings, if you had some random things you'd like to share, feel free to comment below!

1.  It's May 4th and that means it's "May the 4th be with you" day! Last year we decided to make it a tradition to watch a Star Wars movie on this day to commemorate "May the 4th be with you".  I think we are going to start at the beginning and watch all the movies in chronological order.  

2. We've paid off all our credit card debt.  This has been quite a long and somewhat frustrating process, but I'm happy to say that we have officially paid off our credit card debt.  Next step will be to pay off my car and student loans and then save, save, save!

3. I'm debating starting a small business.  Every year around my birthday I get the itch to start a small business or do something for myself.  Over the years I have had several fun ideas come to mind, but lately the itch to start a business has been growing, but the issue really boils down to what would I be comfortable spending my evenings doing if I had no other choice.  Personally, I'd like to start a business where I wouldn't have a lot of up front cost, and would be easily replicated for selling purposes.  Right now, I have no idea what that would be, but I'm doing a little research.

4. Warm weather = happy me.  Michigan finally saw some warmer weather and it was awesome to go outside without worrying weather or not I needed to layer.  Both warm days were overcast so there wasn't a ton of sunshine, but our sunshiny days are just around the corner.

5. I need to catch up on my knitting project.  Who else has knitting/crocheting/crafting projects that they've started but it's been 2-3 years and they still aren't done? I think I have at least 2 baby blankets for friends that I haven't finished yet and one of those babies is now almost 2 years old! Thankfully, I'm pretty much done knitting wash cloths for my friends bridal shower so I'll have a little more free time to knit when I'm not busy playing games, reading or watching TV. 

Well that's everything I have for this week! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday and week!

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