Blogmas 2021 {11.30.2021}


Hello friends and happy Monday! I hope you are getting some wonderful Cyber Monday deals.  If you haven't already had the chance to check them out, I've got some great Gift Guides available, just use this link:  There's all kinds of ideas for every person in your life - all you need to do is click the image and it will take you to the post with the all the information you need to shop.  If you want even more good sale items, be sure to check out Shop with Me, Jackabee as well.  I'm posting every a new deal every 30 minutes all day today.

Today I wanted to share a little bit about Blogmas 2021.  This is the first year I am doing Blogmas and I am pretty excited.  The idea behind Blogmas is for bloggers to have 25 (or 12 depending on schedule) days of holiday-related posts.  Some bloggers will follow prompts and are specific to their genre while others will freestyle their posts.  In my case, I've gotten inspiration from other blogs and what they've covered and created my own agenda for the month of December.

So how can you participate? 

If you are not already a regular reading of Life with Me, Jackabee, the most effective way to see my posts is to sign up with the email notification service.  All you have to do is enter your email in the "get new posts to your email box" box on the right hand side of my blog.  This will make sure you get an email every time I share a new post.  I have found that the posts show up about 12-24 hours after I post, so it could show up the day afterward {just as an FYI}.  I will also be sharing my posts on my Facebook Page or Instagram stories so you can check out the prompts I'm doing from December 1st to December 25th. (P.S. I'm trying to hit 500 followers on Instagram - are you already following me?).

Is there a particular post you were hoping to see me do in December? Let me know in the comments below OR comment on any of my social media posts.  I'm always looking for more ways to provide you with great content.  


Below is the schedule I have planned for December! I actually have posts planned for every day next month, but I the last few days are not Blogmas specific.  I am very excited about every single one of my posts that I've planned, but I think I am most excited about is the DIY Christmas wreath and the Christmas Candle Review so be sure to check back once I get those posted!

Well that is everything for today! Thank you for stopping by - I'm excited to share 25 Christmas-themed posts!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite part of the holidays?

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.  

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