tuesday things {11.30.2021}


Happy Tuesday everybody! I hope your week is off to a great start and you had a lovely weekend! How is it already the last day of November? I cannot believe how quickly the year has been flying by and I'm sure the rest of the year will just fly by.  

Today I wanted to share another round of Tuesday Things with you all.  This week I am going to share five random things from the past week.  

1. It was so nice having a long weekend.  We both had Thursday and Friday off of work and we spent some much needed time with our families.  On Thanksgiving we spent the day with my family having dinner and spending some much needed time together.  Then on Friday, Justin's parents came over for a late breakfast and we spent some time with them as well.

2. Michigan got it's first real big snow over the weekend! At one point it felt like someone had shaken a snow globe because the snow flakes were so large and just floating so beautifully around the yard.  I'm hoping the snow sticks around for a little bit because it makes outside look so much prettier than the dead trees/grass.

3. On Sunday we went to get our Christmas trees with Justin's family! This is one of my favorite traditions we have with his family.  We go to a local tree farm and cut down our own trees.  We had planned to put the tree up on Sunday, but with all the snow we had to let the tree dry out a little before we could bring it inside.  We decorated it last night instead.

4. Did you see my post about Blogmas yesterday? I am so excited to be sharing 25 Christmas-themed posts with you all over the next 25 days! I hope you enjoy the posts as much as I've been planning them out.

5. Anyone out there know of any hypoallergenic eye makeup? I've noticed every time I use mine my eyes get very itchy/dry.  I think I am either allergic to the makeup or it's expired.  To be honest, I don't wear makeup often so it's very possible that the eye liner and mascara expired.  But either way, I'd like to see if there are any hypoallergenic options out there. 

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week. 

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