What I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving {11.25.2021}


Hello friends and Happy Thanksgiving! Depending on when you're reading this, I hope you are having a wonderful day or had a wonderful day filled with love, family/friends and lots of delicious food.  One of the things I actively try to practice is gratitude {because a thankful mind is a clear mind}, so for today's post I thought I would list a few of the things for which I am grateful.  

1. My husband.  I'm sure by now you all know that Justin is quite an amazing husband, but after celebrating our tenth anniversary last month, I am even more thankful for him.  He puts up with my chaos, rides the waves of my highs and lows, and supports me on whatever new adventure I've decided is right for me in this moment.  I could not ask for a better partner to go on this journey called life.  

2. My family.  If 2021 has taught me anything, it is that family is so precious.  We've had several big things happen in 2021 that made me face the reality that every single day is a gift and is to not be taken for granted.  I am grateful for all the love and support that my family has provided this year and I am thankful that we are all here and healthy - even after all the chaos.

3. My health.  Between the miscarriage in April and dealing with some pretty strange medical issues this year, I am thankful that I am ending the year with nothing "wrong" with me.  When I had my physical in June the doctor noticed some odd things on my bloodwork and sent me to a hematologist to get more testing done.  Thankfully the anomaly was just that...an anomaly.  And thankfully every other doctors appointment I had the rest of 2021 came back normal.  There are a few things I am working on for my mental health, but overall I am healthy and I am grateful.

4. My friends.  This one goes without saying, but I am not sure what I would do without my friends.  Each and every one of them brings so much joy to my life.  I think my favorite part is my friendships are the type where we keep each other accountable and call each other out on our crap.  So to any friends reading this, I am thankful for you!

5. My job.  Even though my job drove me absolutely INSANE in 2021, I am thankful to have work.  I'm thankful I work for a company that allows me to work from home and continue to do so.  I'm thankful my job provides us with health insurance that I needed this year during all the weird medical things.  Overall, I am thankful that I have been able to work since COVID-19 started. 

6. My readers.  I know there are not a lot of you out there, but I am so thankful for those of you that actively read my blog.  I started this blog as a little way for me to share my life with the world and without you all it would not be a thing.  So thank you for being here and for keeping up with me and my life. 

While that is not everything for which I am thankful, that feels like a great place for me to stop.  As I said above, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and find some good deals if you're shopping tomorrow or for Cyber Monday! If you haven't already, check out my 2021 Gift Guide to get some inspiration for your family/friends Christmas gifts. 

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