December: Month @ a Glance {12.01.2021}


Hello and welcome to day 1 of Blogmas! Today I am going to be doing my regular month at a glance post to get us started for the month.  This post will cover what we have going on for the month and what my goals are for the month of December.  I figured this is the best way to start out Blogmas because it helps set expectations for the remainder of 2021. 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Sleepover with my cousins.  Every year for as long as I can remember (with the exception of 2020) my cousin's and I have done a sleepover.  When my grandma was alive, we would all go to her house and decorate her tree and spend the night there, but after her death we've continued the tradition of getting together and spending the night together. 

2. Friendsmas with our friends.  This year we are having a small get together with our friends to celebrate Friendsmas.  Friendmas usually consists of good food, drinks and some fun games.  Oh and I can't forget the ugly sweaters! 

3. Christmas with my extended family. I believe my extended family will be having a get together this year.  We did not have one in 2020 due to COVID, but this year those who feel comfortable to attend will be getting together. 

4. Christmas with my family.  Like every other year we will be celebrating Christmas with my family by going to my parents house and spending the night.  This is a fun tradition where we do a nice dinner, spend time chatting and in the morning have breakfast and exchange gifts.  I love waking up with my family and look forward to spending this time with them. 

5. Friends visiting from New York. After Christmas, our friends that visited in October will be coming to visit for a few days.  They're going to be heading home from Wisconsin, so they figured they would stop on by on their way home.  I'm excited to see them and spend New Years with them. 

6. Christmas with Justin's family.  This year we will be celebrating Christmas with Justin's family by going to his parents house and spending the night.  Every year we do an appetizer dinner, play games and exchange gifts in the morning.  I love waking up with his family and look forward to spending this time with them. 

7. Meet my friends new baby girl.  My friend has a c-section scheduled for December 22, so after she is born I will be heading over to her house to meet her new baby girl and spend some time with her.  This will likely be the week after Christmas because I want her to have time with her family before bombarding her with guests.  

8. Potentially going to Pittsburg.  One of Justin's friends is going to be moving to another country, so we are toying with the idea of heading down to Pittsburg for the weekend to say goodbye before their big move.  The biggest question right now is when - still working on the details for that. 

Goals for December

1. Read one book: Ideally I'd like to read more than one book in December, but let's be honest this is the busiest month of the year so it is very likely I will only manage to complete one book. 

2. Clean out our closet.  Last month we made our way through the basement and were able to get rid of a bunch of the boxes and junk we had down there.  This month while I'm off for the last few weeks of the year, I am planning to go through our closet/dressers and purge any clothes we no longer use/need.  I've been trying to go through the house and organize/purge everything we don't need. 

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in December?

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