Blogmas Day 12: Non-Gift Gift Ideas {12.12.2021}

Happy Sunday friends! I hope your weekend is going well and you are getting ready for the week ahead.  Today I'll be spending the day baking cookies with my mom and getting ready for my last work week of 2021.  It's hard to believe I am already reaching this point in the year, but I am so thankful that I'll have the last two weeks of 2021 off of work.  

For today's Blogmas post, I thought it would be fun to share some non-gift gift ideas.  When I say non-give, I mean things where you are not necessarily giving a physical gift, but rather a gift that results in you spending time with the person or giving them something which they will consume.  For this year's Christmas, I requested friends and family to give me the gift of time.  Specifically, I requested for them to come up with something creative for us to do together and for them to pay for it.  So I figured it could be cool to share some of the non-gift gift ideas with you all in case you have a friend or family member that is difficult to shop for or doesn't necessarily need anything.

Non-gift gift ideas:

1. The gift of time.  This one is a bit vague, but I'll give a few ideas that I'm thinking when I say the gift of time. When I say the gift of time, I mean something along the lines of you giving your time to that other person.  This could be offering them babysitting services for a certain amount of hours.  This could include offering to come help them clean their home or cook a few meals.  

2. A weekend getaway.  This can be a bit more difficult to put together because you don't always know someone's schedule, but putting together a weekend away for somewhere where they can just go and relax is a great idea.  Set it up in such a way that all they need to do is just show up.

3. Massage/Facial gift cards. Want to give them something but they don't want physical items? Then give them a gift card to a place where they can get a massage/facial.  Want to make it more fun? Tell them you'll tag a long so it's a fun experience for you both.

4. Mason jar gifts.  If you want to get a little crafty, you can put together a mason jar gift.  This could be with stuff to make cookies, mulling spices for the fall or any other spices.  If you wanted to take it a step further, you could tell them that every month you will refill the jar with something different so that the gift keeps giving throughout the year.  This does have a "gift-ish" vibe with the jar, but it's something that can keep on giving and once they're done they can use the jar as a cup.

5. Plan a night out.  One idea I gave to my friends was planning an evening together.  I gave them examples of going to a movie, doing a crafty night out or even planning a movie night at home.  The at home idea would include them providing all the snacks and picking the movie but it would be a good way for us to spend time together.

6. Gift of the month.  To make it so they're not getting a lot of stuff, you could send them a year-long subscription to a food box.  This could be boxes like cheese of the month, wine of the month or something different like the box that sends snacks from all over the world every month.  

Well I think that is everything for today! Tomorrow I am going to provide a review of my top three Bath and Body Works holiday candles.  I am excited to share the three candles I love and also share some of the other candles I have been eyeing for a little while.  

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