Currently: April 2022 {04.28.22}

Happy Thursday friends! I hope you had a wonderful week so far and are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead.  Michigan has been having some beautiful weather so I will be sure to get some time outside for sure.  For today's blog post, I'm doing another fun round of "Currently".  So here's the fun things going on currently in our lives.

ANTICIPATING: My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I am very excited to celebrate it.  I've scheduled a little game night with our friends and I cannot wait.  I'm sure not all of our friends will be able to attend, but it will be good to hang out with the ones that can come.  

CLEANING: As I mentioned yesterday, I've been struggling with keeping up on some of the household chores so this week I've been working to do that.  Don't worry, our house isn't filthy or anything, I just have a standard that I like to keep and haven't been lately. 

FEELING: Excited.  We tried to order a new Blazer a few weeks back and were unable to order it due to timing.  So sometime in the next few weeks we will be able to go and order it and I can't wait! So exciting to order a brand new car with everything we want on it. 

WATCHING:  Mostly stuff on the DVR.  I got very behind on my TV and have been slowly catching up. 

PLAYING: Mostly playing World of Warcraft, but still playing some Dead by Daylight when I feel like playing it.  I love having evenings playing games - so relaxing.  

READING: Right now I am reading The Last Goodnight by Kat Martin and listening to The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

RECOVERING: I had a procedure done earlier in the month and I've been slowly recovering from that.  I'll be sharing what's going on in another post, just need to put all of the information together for you all. 

TRYING: I started knitting a new blanket for my future niece and I am loving it so far.  It's a new pattern I've never tried before so I am very excited. 

WEARING: Leggings.  Always leggings.  And a t-shirt or cute top that's weather appropriate. 

Well I think that is everything I have for today! Hope you have a great weekend and talk to you next week!

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?

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