Currently: January 2023 {01.27.23}


Hello and happy last Friday of January friends! It is so hard to believe we are reaching the end of January already.  It feels like we just started the new year, but here we are staring at the end of January.  How wild huh? Today I thought I would share a currently post.  I keep picking and putting this post idea down and I'm not sure why.  I love doing the post - and it's especially fun to be able to go back and see what I posted in years past.  So here I am, again, trying to pick it back up!

ANTICIPATING: We're going on a cruise in a few weeks with Justin's family and I am starting to get very excited.  I have never been on a cruise before and we've been trying to go on this one for the last three years.  I've already started "packing" for the cruise and cannot wait to just be somewhere warm and sunny.  

CLEANING: The house.  Oh my gosh there is so much dust around our house from the sanding I've been doing in our pantry.  If you've been following along over on my Instagram, then you know we've been completely remodeling our entire pantry.  Which has been such a fun project, but my goodness is it messy.  This weekend we will hopefully be putting most of the finishing touches on the space.  Then I get to organize and decorate! I'm excited. 

FEELING: Nervous/excited.  I had an interview for a promotion yesterday and I am hopeful I will be selected for the position.  It is between me and one other candidate (whom I know is more than qualified) so either way they decide I'll be excited.  

WATCHING: Still haven't really been watching much TV lately.  Though I will say that there have been a few second seasons come out of shows that I watched previously that I need to get around to watching.  That and I need to finish watching Wednesday over on Netflix.  I don't know - TV just isn't my jam right now.  Give me a few months then it will be what I focus on.

PLAYING: I am still on a Dead by Daylight (DBD) and World of Warcraft (WoW) kick and have been playing those games fairly exclusively for the last 6+ months. 

READING: Right now I am reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.  I got this book as part of my Once Upon a Book Club boxes (from a few years back.  I know... so long to not use the box) and I have to say I am really loving the book so far.  The concept is very interesting - now to just finish the book! 

RECOVERING: I don't think you actually can recover sleep, but I sure have been trying.  My sleep schedule is a bit off lately and I feel like I'm constantly trying to catch pup on my sleep.  But overall, I have been feeling pretty good. 

TRYING: Budget? We have a few goals this year financially that we want to tackle and one of them is to get Justin a new car.  This requires us to save a down payment of at least 10% or more.  So right now we're trying to stick to a good budget and not go hog wild on spending.  Though, my weakness is Starbucks cups for sure.  Anyone else collect them? 

WEARING: Leggings.  Always leggings.  And a t-shirt or cute top that's weather appropriate.  This time of year that looks like an oversized crew neck or a hoodie since they're comfortable.  

Well I think that is everything I have for today! Hope you have a great weekend and talk to you next week!

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?

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1 comment

  1. The cruise, only concentrating on the cruise. Will it finally happen? I can’t believe how many times it has been canceled because of outside reasons. I will probably cry (no surprises there) when we finally get to board 😍


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