Holy Snow Storm, Batman!

Who likes snow here? I do! I had been really hoping that we would have a ton of snow this Christmas here in Michigan, and my wish partially came true.  On Christmas Eve, we managed to get what is a dusting to us Michiganders (1"-1.5" of snow) which made for a beautiful white Christmas, but the real fun did not begin until 2:00 pm the day after Christmas.

This is the snow storm as it was in progress! Can you believe it?! We ended up with about eight inches total and it snowed for over twelve hours.  Luckily, both Justin and I had the day off of work, so we didn't have to be anywhere in particular.

Thursday I had the day off of work, but Justin had to work.  However, he was plowed into his parking spot and was not able to get out.  Because of the poorly done plow job, he ended up working from home and we got to spend the day together while he worked.  After work we headed out to run some errands at Great Lakes Crossing.  I love shopping at this mall because it is about a mile around and there are a wide variety of stores to check out while you're walking around. 

I have been in desperate need of some new bras and panties so you can imagine my excitement when I saw the huge after Christmas sale Aerie was having.  I typically buy my bras and panties from there because they are cheaper and pretty high quality (and have cute styles).  After our trip to the mall we ran out to dinner with our friend, Andrew, because he was in town from Chicago for Christmas.  It is always nice to catch up with old friends, especially the ones you don't get to see too often.

After our lovely dinner, we went to Best Buy to get me a new point and shoot camera and get Justin and few things with the gift card stocking stuffers I gave him for Christmas.  It worked out really well because I had only planned on getting him $50 to Best Buy, but they had a promotion going on and I was able to get an additional $40, so he ended up getting $90 to Best Buy.  I ended up with the Sony Cybershot WX100.  It looks almost identical to this one:

I am loving this camera so far! It takes really quick pictures, its super compact (smaller than my iPhone 4) and has the same basic functionality as our more industrial camera.  So far I've managed to grab a few cute pictures of Frye and I swear he knew what I was doing.

The second picture would have to be my favorite so far.  I'm excited to see what kind of fun things I can do with the camera at tomorrow's family get together.  

Justin ended up getting "UP" by Jawbone.  It's a little armband that you wear full-time and it reads your activity, how much you sleep, and it can alert you when you've been inactive for too long.  He was a tad nervous to buy it because of the cost, but I figured anything that can help him live a healthier lifestyle, I am going to support.  I will have him write a review for you all in a few weeks after he has really tested the full functionality of the band.  If he really likes it, then I might just have to get one for myself!

I finally finished reading my latest book choice Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster and look forward to sharing that review with you along with a new German Chocolate Cake recipe I am in the process of trying! I hope your weekend is fun and exciting! 

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite kind of cake?
I will always love Dairy Queen's Ice Cream Cake, it's been a tradition for years for my birthday with my family and I would really like to pass that down to my children some day.

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