Two Year Anniversary: Part I

Happy Thursday Everyone! I feel so out of whack because my week started a day later than normal.

Monday was Justin and my two year anniversary and I decided to take the day of to spend some quality time with him.  I'm very glad I did because I was sorely lacking sleep and wanted to spend sometime catching up {as much as you can} on my sleep.

Our anniversary festivities started on Sunday and consisted of us spending time together doing a bunch of "firsts".  The idea was to do things together that we have never done either just us two or had never done before.  The original plan was to go to Frankenmuth, but since Justin was not feeling well, we changed our plans up a bit.

The day started with us going to get breakfast at our favorite breakfast place, The Stuffed Bun.  I got myself the French Toast and Justin got this HUGE omelette.  I swear the thing was larger than my head.

After The Stuffed Bun, we made our way over to Canterbury Village.  Because we did not get to Frankenmuth, this was the next best thing and it turned out to be pretty awesome.  We spent several hours walking around and enjoying some of the neat trinkets that they had to offer.

We also enjoyed some of the beautiful leaves on the property.  It's hard to believe that October is practically over and we will officially be merging into the Holiday Season.  While I love the Holidays, I'm a bit sad to see them go so quickly.

From Canterbury Village, we made our way to Partridge Creek.  It's an outdoor mall in our area that Justin had never been to before.  We spent a great deal of time shopping around and I ended up getting some really pretty sweaters from H & M.

1. Green Sweater | 2. Gray Cardigan | 3. Beige Sweater

After Partridge Creek, we stopped by the house to feed the kitties and to get changed before dinner.  We ended up going to Sagano for dinner because it is one of our favorite restaurants for a fancy and delicious meal.

We both ordered the steak & shrimp and enjoyed the company of another couple celebrating an anniversary also.

Our evening ended with us carving pumpkins together.  I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought I would try it since Justin has a drill and it's less work.  I was wrong on the less work part.  I ended up picking the largest pumpkin I could find and it turned out to have a very thing rind which make drilling the pumpkin a bit difficult.

Either way, Justin's pumpkin still turned out pretty awesome! And he hand drew the Superman symbol himself.  Pretty great, huh?

Up Next: Two Year Anniversary - Part II

1 comment

  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
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    Lovely greets Nessa


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