Halloween Mantel Decorations 2013

Happy Sunday Everyone! Did you remember to set your clocks back? I did not and was very confused this morning when I woke up.

Today I wanted to share my Halloween 2013 Mantel with you.  I had intended on sharing this a while back but got distracted with everything else going on and completely blanked on it.   So here is my mantel with links to tutorials on how to do everything!
  1. Boo Chevron Printable from Two Twenty One
  2. Chevron Button Pumpkin Canvas from I Heart Naptime
  3. Pumpkin Banner from Tatertots & Jello ~ I'm excited about these because they have dual use
  4. Trick or Treat Printable Bunting from Lil Luna 
  5. Subway Art Halloween Printable from Craft-O-Matic

All of the other decorations you see had been purchased in the past either from Walmart or Meijer and were used in my college dorm as decorations.  They worked perfectly with my theme this year and I was excited to not have to spend any more on these ones.

I had a blast putting together my mantel for this year and have already began collecting ideas for next year's mantel! If you'd like to check them out, see my Halloween Board on my Pinterest Account.  

I'm going to begin working on my Mantel for Thanksgiving and have already started brainstorming a few ideas for that too! Hopefully I will be able to share them with you prior to the holiday passing this time {I'll do my best}.

Thanks for checking in, I look forward to talking with you soon! 

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