Weekend Highs & Lows #3

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post


This weekend was definitely more on the relaxing side which is exactly what we needed.  Justin and I had a very crazy//bad week last week so it was nice to not have to worry about anything and just enjoy each other's company.

I had two favorite parts of this weekend.  The first was the kitty snuggles I had yesterday morning.  On Friday I had to take Frye to the vet because he was is having issues with his eyes.  I really do not like taking him to the vet because he cries the whole way there and he gets very stressed by the whole experience.  To be honest, I thought he would have been mad at me for a few days, but that was clearly not the case.  I woke up to him basically sitting on my head to get me up. 

My second favorite part of this weekend was putt putt and dinner with Nick and Kevin.  I love getting together with these guys because they are so fun to hang out with.  Can you believe that I got three hole in ones at putt putt?! I have never done that many on any round of putt putt! Such a fun evening with these guys and a great way for them to relax before they both go back to school next week.


To be honest, I do not think we really had any lows this weekend because we were super relaxed.  I have started working on my Renaissance Festival costume... and I made a few mistakes and had to start over.  But really, that is not the end of the world and definitely not something to be too upset over.

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows
Weekend Highs & Lows #1

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I love mini golf! It's always a good time! That's so cool that you're doing a costume for the Renfest! We're going the weekend of Shamrocks and Shenanigans :-D

    1. Which weekend is that? We will be going the last weekend in September! I love sewing and it has been so theraputic for me the last week or so

  2. Sounds like a nice weekend! Three holes in one! Wow! Maybe you should go on tour. LOL

    1. I was in shock I got that many haha! But I think I'll leave the golfing to my husband ;)

  3. Your link seems to be acting weird. I sure need a relaxing weekend. Sounds so nice!

    1. Hi Crystal! Thank you for pointing that out. For some reason the link double posted and took off images. I fixed the coding so that it would only show up once - unfortunately I cannot get the pictures to come back :/

  4. What a weekend well spent huh! Love all activities.

    1. It sure was! Now to catch up on all the laundry I ignored :-P


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