Thinking Out Loud Thursday #4

Happy Thursday Friends! 

I am super excited because I am linking up with Running with Spoons and some other fellow bloggers for the Thinking Out Thursdays Linky Party.

What it is…
A weekly celebration of quirks and randomness! An opportunity to take the pressure and stress out of writing by sharing whatever it is that happens to pop into your mind when you begin to type — all worries about sense and structure pushed aside. A collection of random and disjointed thoughts, just because.

1.  One of my addictions is Essie nail polish...  Like whenever a new collection comes out, I am doing anything I can to get myself the whole set.  So of course, when Essie released their Fall 2015 Collection, I was all over that.  I am pretty excited about some of these colors and have already tried one!

2. This article from Buzzfeed totally blew my mind the other day.  Here's a few that made me laugh and some that were very thought provoking.

25 Random Thoughts That Will Make You Question Everything

We put on special clothes when jogging so people do not think we are running from someone or something.  The image they picked made me giggle. 

And the other one that got me was this:

Someone in the future will say your name for the last time.

Make sure to check out the rest of the items they listed, I guarantee it will make you ponder some things.  #mindblown

3.  I have a serious issue with picking at my nail polish.  If even one nail starts to chip, I stand it and have to pick the rest of the polish off.  I guess you could say it is a form of OCD - either way, it drives me bonkers. #Ihaveproblems #Atleasttheyreuniform 

4.  Antibiotics are so weird to me.  You take a medication that kills all of the bad bacteria in your body - but the weird part to me is that they also destroy some of the good bacteria in your stomach.  I am so grateful we have medicines like this available to us, they are just so strange to me.  #canyoutellIhavebeensick

5.  Lately I have been feeling like there are not enough hours in the day for me to accomplish everything that I would like to get done.  I know that part of the issue is my inability to effectively manage my time, but I also know that sometimes there is just not enough time for me to do everything that I would like to do. #needmorehours

Past Thinking Out Loud Thursdays

Question of the Day: 
What fun musings do you have floating around in your head? 


  1. LOVE the Breaking Bad gif you chose :). Also yeah, antibiotics are weird :(.

    1. Turns out I may have to have a DIFFERENT antibiotic! I just hope they can get me on the right one sooner than later!

  2. Eek, love Breaking Bad. Okay, I have thin nails so I can't keep nail polish on past one day. I hate it! I have the Essie orange color!

    1. What do you think of the Essie orange one? I have not tried that one yet, but I am excited to try!

  3. I ran across that buzzfeed article too! Truly hilarious!

    1. It really did make me think too haha I love Buzzfeed for their random articles


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a