Weekend Highs and Lows #7

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post


This weekend was a fun one! On Saturday I went and helped Janelle and Marcy at a craft show for Infantly Cute Boutique, then Saturday night I went over to Sarah's house to catch up with her.  We ended up walking for a few hours just catching up and I really enjoyed it.  I forgot how great one-on-one time is with friends and need to make sure to plan it more often.

Sunday was filled with Renaissance Festival Festivities! We got up in the morning and made our way out to hang out with all of the other Festival goers.  Such a fun time seeing everything!


There is a bit of drama floating around me.  I am trying very hard to keep my distance because I really do not need to be a part of it.  Let's just hope I can keep it at bay! 

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows

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  1. Looks like a fun weekend. We were thinking of going to the Renaissance Festival, but it just didn't happen. Hopefully next weekend, if the weather is good.

    1. I had a blast at Ren Fest! There were a ton of people there so be prepared for it to be busy :)

  2. Weekend highs - went to a DSO community concert in Warren with my boyfriend, hung out with friends to watch Fear the Walking Dead on Sunday night, went to see Marvel Universe Live w/ parents on Friday night + did dinner.

    The only lows is that I ate too much! So my stomach hates me a bit today. :)

    1. I wanted to go to Marvel Universe Live but no one wanted to go with me :( Sometimes you have to eat too much - it is just part of life ;)

  3. Aww, Ren Fest looks fun! My highs are - adopting a new dog and going for a weekend beach trip. My lows are - being really behind on lesson planning (whoops). Looks like you had a good week :)

    1. Congratulations on your new doggy! That is so exciting :)

  4. I love the Renaissance Festival. Super-bummed we weren't able to go this year. Weekend highs: sleeping in on Sunday. Weekend lows: having to work an event on Saturday.

    1. Do you dress up for the Renaissance Festival when you go?

  5. I'm jealous that you went to the Ren Festival! I've never been and really considered it this year, but it would be such a drive, and money, and and (excuses). Maybe next year I'll make it! My highs were doing things with my kids - we built wooden firetrucks and went for a nice nature walk. Low? Realized that next paycheck I'm going to only have a little over half a paycheck (because of life). Boo!

    1. It is a ton of fun! Thankfully I won tickets so we did not have to pay for our entry. I understand the paycheck thing - it can get a bit overwhelming.

  6. I used to go to the Renaissance Festival a few times each year, but now haven't been in years, and my daughter is asking to go for her first time :) Hope we can fit it in!


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