Weekend Highs and Lows #13

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post


On Saturday, the Braun side of my family spent the greater part of Saturday volunteering our time for those in need in honor of my cousin who passed away.  Saturday would have been Drew's 30th birthday, so the family decided to do something in his honor.  So Saturday morning we went to a local church and helped prepare food for a ladies brunch.  

After brunch, we went back to my aunts house to collect and organize the gifts for the family we adopted.  It was fun seeing all of the amazing gifts that we collected for this family.  The day ended with us decorating some cards for soldiers.  

Saturday evening I spent cleaning the house and finishing decorations for Christmas.  At one point I turned to see Frye playing with an ornament.  I loved seeing him so in awe of the lights, tree and ornaments.  Such a sweet kitty.


I have bronchitis.  Again.

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows

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