Happy Friday Friends! I hope your week has gone well and you are looking forward to some fun things coming up this weekend! We will be honoring a family member by serving others this weekend {I'll give more details in my Monday post}.
I came across this idea on Becca Dorr's Blog and I thought it would be a fun new mini series to do on the first Friday of every month.
ANTICIPATING Christmas! I have so many things I need to get done in the next few weeks. But I what I am anticipating most is the fun times to be had with family and friends.
CLEANING out the closet. Last week I took several hours to go through all of my clothes in the closet because I had too many clothes that I was not wearing or had not worn. It just did not make sense to keep it all.
DREADING my next long run. I do not know what is going on, but I am really hating going out for my long runs. The short ones are no big deal, but the long ones are just kicking my butt.
DRINKING a lot of water and Coca Cola. I've been under the weather the last week, so I am hoping that by drinking large quantities of water I will start to feel better. Unfortunately, I feel worse today than I did 4 days ago.
FEELING a bit overwhelmed with life. There are so many things that I am supposed to be doing that I get overwhelmed and shut down. Thankfully I have been able to take a step back and prioritize my life a little. It is super helpful.
LISTENING to Christmas music as often as possible {without annoying the hubby}. As soon as Thanksgiving passes I am the first person to have the Christmas radio station blaring in my car, at my desk, or at home. But never before Thanksgiving. Each holiday is special and deserves to be treated as such.
PLAYING Panda Pop. It is a bit like Candy Crush where you resist playing the game out of fear of addiction... then you finally give in and become addicted. Honestly, I have been stuck on this one level for weeks so the addiction is wearing off a bit, but it is a fun game and a good "brain break" when I get overwhelmed.
READING recipes. I have been on the hunt for a good cookie that does not call for eggs. Does anyone have any ideas?
RECOVERING from a nasty cold and a busy week. Those two combined has not been fun for me.
TRYING to make more time for my husband. Things have been a bit crazy lately and it seems like we are just ships passing in the night. This Saturday we are going to go on a date and get some much needed one-on-one time.
WAITING to go to the doctor. I have an appointment this afternoon and I cannot wait to see if she can help me with this awful cough.
WALKING less than I should be. My fitbit has been dead for almost a week and I keep finding myself not getting enough steps. I really need to charge that bad boy.
WEARING my "Keep Calm and Believe On" shirt. I bought it on Black Friday and have been addicted ever since. Honestly, I think it's my favorite buy for this year's shopping trip.
Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?
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