SMASH48 2016

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope your week has started out with bang and you are feeling great about your week so far.  

Today I wanted to share with you a bit about my past weekend (since I missed Weekend Highs and Lows yesterday).  This past weekend I went to SMASH48 for the third year in a row with Sarah and it was so much fun.  So here is a little recap of our weekend!


On Friday, a group of us girls all met at Sarah's house so we could all caravan up to the retreat together.  I had met each of these girls briefly before so it was great to get to make greater connections with them all on the drive up.  

On the drive there, we stopped at Tony's I-75 Restaurant to get lunch.  If you are ever in Michigan and shopping at Birch Run, I highly recommend checking out this restaurant.  Beware though: The food comes in giant portions so you might want to share.  

Once we got to camp, we went directly to our cabin to drop off our stuff.  For the first time ever, I was selected to sleep in the Plane! I am so happy! I have always wanted to stay in the plane and it was so much fun!

After we unpacked and got settled in, we made our way to the cafeteria for dinner.  I did not realize how hungry I was until we sat down to eat.  After dinner, we had an even to meet our cabin mates; unfortunately, our group were pretty much the only ones there so we didn't meet most of our cabin until later.  But we did play a few fun "get to know you" games until the first session.

After meeting the cabin, we went to our first session.  This year's theme was "Love Go" and it was awesome! 

After session, we went back to the cabin for small group to discuss what we had just learned and to kind of finish up with the "get to know you" stuff.  After session, we had a fun Super Hero themed dance party planned! I had no idea what in the world I was going to wear so I searched Pinterest for some ideas and came up with a simple Mrs. Incredible Costume.  If you want to make an Incredibles costume of your own, check out Fresh Mommy Blog.

The night ended with us dancing away for to some fun music and with delicious snacks.


Saturday morning the girls and I got up early to go to Yoga.  Due to some confusion, we ended up going to the wrong location and arrived to the session late.  Since the class was so full, we decided to just do yoga somewhere else on our own.  Sarah pulled up a Beach Body yoga workout on YouTube and we did that instead.

After yoga we headed to breakfast for a quick bite to eat.  After breakfast, we scrambled back to our plane to get ready for the day.  The weather was awful so we grabbed our warmest clothing and umbrellas to head out for session.

Session Two was so fun with a funny yoga warm up and a great session from Michel.  I love when Michel speaks because she is just so brutally honest.  There is something to be said for a woman that does not hold back and she has always been my favorite speaker.

After session, we had another round of small group discussion with our cabin.  This session was fun because we got to play another fun game and talk about everything that happened between the night before and that morning.

After session, we all went to lunch before heading to our individual activities for the weekend.  One of the best parts of Saturday is you get the choice to do what you want for a good portion of the afternoon.  Sarah and I decided that we wanted to do something more relaxing so we sat and chatted for a few hours until the one Session we wanted to go to was available.

The topic for this session was: How to Change Your Man.  

I was shocked at how many ladies wanted to know how to change their men.  

Look at them all! The room was completely packed.  There were ladies sitting on the floor, sitting in all of the chairs and even standing up in the back of the room.  I loved this topic and plan to do a separate post about the insights that were given to all of us during this session.  The best part of this session is the fact that it can be applied to relationships outside of marital relationships.

After an afternoon of relaxation and learning how to change our men, we went to dinner then headed to the last session of the day.

After session, we went back to the cabin for small group before heading to the lake for a candle lighting.

The purpose of this exercise was to take all of your burdens and let them go by putting your candle into the water and watching it float away.  Ironically, we couldn't get the candles to "float" away, so they ended up lining the edge of the lake.  It was still very beautiful and a wonderful experience.

The evening ended with a delicious snack and chatting with the girls over brownies and pulled pork.  After we all hit the sack early because we were so tired.


Sunday morning we woke up to snow on the ground... I'll give you a second to process that... SNOW. 

The weather this weekend was crazy because we had rain, hail, sleet, wind, sun and snow all in the 48 hours we were at Springhill.  I just cannot believe how crazy the weather was and I was not prepared for the snow.  Thankfully, I put a pair of boots in my suitcase to use for my costume; otherwise, I would have frozen my feet for the whole weekend.

In the morning we all got up (a little less enthusiastically than the morning before) and started getting ready for the day.  I took the time to pack up my suitcase and bed so that after session I could get my stuff quickly into the car for the drive home.  

Once everyone was ready, we made our way to the cafeteria for coffee and breakfast and they ran out of coffee.  Can you believe it?! I mean I guess it is bound to happen when 1,100 women show up for breakfast.

After breakfast we had our last session of the day and it was great! I loved this particular session.  It was amazing and so uplifting for the drive home.  For the drive home I hung out with Sarah and we caught up on life a little bit.  I feel like we both have been running around so much lately that we never get to chat.  

Sunday afternoon I spent with Justin just catching up from the weekend because I had poor service while I was out of town for the weekend.

So that's my weekend! What did yours look like?

Question of the Day: What fun things did you do this weekend?

I'd love to hear from you!

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