Stranded with... Book Edition

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Shay and Erika for a fun new series called "Stranded With" where you discuss three things you would take if you were stranded on deserted island.

For today's series, we are focusing on....

Books I'd Read

I have to say, with trying to read soooo many books lately, this one will be a bit difficult for me to just pick three books from my entire collection.  Reading has quickly become one of my favorite pastimes and it would be hard to imagine not being able to discover new books ever again.  However, if I had to narrow it down to three books only, these are the three I would pick...


I read this book in January and I fell in love.  Not only does it deal with the emotional side of divorce, alcoholism and other heavy things, there is also a big mystery happening in the middle of the book.  This book grabbed me from the first page and kept me entertained from beginning to end.  And I honestly feel like I could read this book over and over and still catch something new every.single.time I read the book.

If you're interested in reading the book, check in out at the link below.  


Because I cannot pick just one book from this series, I am going to cheat and bring the whole series.  When it comes to trilogies, I have only ever finished one full trilogy and that is The Maze Runner trilogy.  I tend to fall in love with characters in books and I found with The Hunger Games Series and The Divergent Series I was very upset at what happened to some of the characters at the end of the book.  With The Maze Runner Series, I ate up every single page and anxiously waited for the next book to come out so I could read what happened to the team next.  If you like Dystopian books, I would highly recommend this book series.


Have you heard of The Happiness Project? I was turned onto this book through several different bloggers and I instantly knew that I needed to put it on my To Be Read list.  The book is all about Rubin taking an entire you to try anything and everything that people believe leads to happiness and let me tell you, she is really onto something! I loved reading her book and feel that this would be a great book to have on hand if I was ever stranded on an island.  I imagine happiness might not be easily flowing at that point.  If you are in need of a good pick-me-up book, I would check her book out! 


So these are the three-ish books I would take with me if I had the opportunity! What three books would you take with you? I am interested to hear what everyone has in mind when they pick! Let me know what you would bring by commenting her or on other social media channels!

To read what other people are saying, check out the link up on Mix and Match Mama's blog today!

Up Next on Stranded With....

Netflix Series!

Question of the Day: What book are you reading right now?

I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. Is it wrong that when I began reading Girl on the Train, I purposely tried to wear my daughter out to lengthen her nap time so that I could binge read!?! Liz @

    1. Not at all! That book was so captivating from the very beginning all the way to the very last page! I actually plan to read it again to see what I missed!

  2. I've got The Happiness Project on hold at the library - I keep hearing about it.


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