Stranded with.... Halloween Candy!

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Shay and Erika for a fun new series called "Stranded With" where you discuss three things you would take if you were stranded on deserted island.

For today's series, we are focusing on....

Halloween Candy!

I love this time of year because that is when some of the best candies come out (besides Easter) and I find myself eating more candy in the month of October than I do almost any other month of the year.  I think the December is a close second when it comes to sweets in general {so many delicious cookies and pies}.  

So here are my three picks of candies I would take with me if I could only take three with me to the island.

So in general, Reese's are my absolute favorite candy, but when the Reese's Pumpkins come out around Halloween, I am in heaven.  I am not sure what is different between regular Reese's and Pumpkin Reese's, but I love the Pumpkins.  I think the reason I like them so much is because they have a higher peanut butter to chocolate ratio than a regular Reese's.  Whenever I see them in a store, I'll grab one or two and throw them into the freezer at home.  There is something so delicious about frozen chocolate and peanut butter.  Yum! 


The next Halloween candy I think of and love is Candy Corn, but it's not just the candy corn, but the fall mix from Braich's that has the little pumpkins in it as well.  As a kid, my grandma almost always had this candy mixture in a bowl at her house and I always loved grabbing a few of them from the bowl.  As an adult, I still love them, but I definitely cannot eat them by the handful anymore as they are just so sweet.  


This is not necessarily a "Halloween" candy, but as a kid I was thrilled when someone had Dubble Bubble in their Halloween Candy.  For as long as I can remember, I have always love chewing gum and Dubble Bubble was the epitome of gum to me and continues to be a favorite to this day.


So these are the three Halloween candies I would take to me if I was going to a remote island (though I am not sure how well the Reese's would hold up in warm weather).  I hope you enjoyed this post today! 

To read what other people are saying, check out the link up on Mix and Match Mama's blog today!

Up Next on Stranded With....


Question of the Day: What is your favorite 
Halloween candy?

I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. Dubble Bubble was one of my favorite candies to get at Halloween as a kid. And, because it was so cheap, a lot of people in my community would give it out to trick-or-treaters. I can still recall that intense, sugary goodness during the first 3 minutes of chewing... Sadly, I can't chew it now bc it sticks to much to my dental work (which was probably caused by too much Dubble Bubble as a kid!).

    Have a great day! Visiting from Stranded Linkup

    Ericka from A Quiet Girl’s Musings…

  2. Love me some Dubble Bubble!! Totally loved getting that for Halloween :)


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