tuesday things {8.11.2020}

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a good start.  For me Tuesdays are usually my least favorite day of the week.  I know everyone dreads Monday's, but Tuesday's just always feel so much worse to me.  Ya know?

Today I wanted to share another round of Tuesday Things with you all.  Tuesday things can be a random assortment of things on my mind for that week or themed week like the weeks I talk about TV shows I've watched or good recipes to try.  This week is going to be a random assortment of things.

1.  Who watched the second season of Umbrella Academy? Anyone? I am obsessed with the season and loved the character development for each character.  Also, I kinda fell more in love with Ben than I already was.  I'm glad we got to see more of him this season.  ALSO, that ending.... for real.  I wonder when the 3rd season will come out (if it gets renewed)?

2. I have been attempting to take better care of my skin which includes me actually using moisturizer and serums at least once a day.  One thing that I have found is that I feel better throughout the day if I start my day with a clean and moisturized face (who would have thought haha).  I'm always looking for recommendations of good products for sensitive skin, so feel free to share them in the comments below!

3. I have been daydreaming about opening an Etsy shop, but I have no idea what I would do.  I have a ton of different passions of things that I like to do and would enjoy pursuing any of them, but I have no idea where to even start.  Is there anyone out there that has started a shop and would be willing to share how you got started? I intend on talking to my mother-in-law too because she has a successful Etsy shop.  You should check her shop out!

4. I got my first shipment of refills from Billie Razor and I could not wait to get them.  I had a little bit of a snafu where my refills never showed up (thanks to mail being a bit unreliable right now), but Billie handled the situation with such professionalism and mailed me a new order of refills and they arrived super quickly.  Can't wait to use them as I have some pretty dull razors right now.

5. Justin and I are trying our first ever meal kit this week and I'm excited.  I've been feeling very stuck (and repetitive) with meals lately so I'm excited.  His Aunt Michelle sent us free week's worth of meals and I'm excited to check them out.  Have you tried Every Plate? Let me know what you think! I'll be sure to share a review on the blog.

Well that is all that I have for today! What things do you have going on in your corner of the world this Tuesday?

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1 comment

  1. I hate Tuesdays as well because it's always my busiest work day ... you'd think Mondays would be but nope, always Tuesdays.

    EveryPlate is great! I have tried most meal kits - you can find my review here:
    It's basically HelloFresh's cheaper cousin - they own them. I rotate between HF, Dinnerly, EveryPlate, and sometimes Blue Apron. Only when I can get deals, but if you deactivate, they usually send you some.

    I am slowly working my way through Umbrella Academy ... I think I've watched 2 or 3 eps. I like it but it's slower than last season for me.


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