Blogmas Day 16: Things I love about Christmas {12.16.2021

Hello and happy Thursday friends! I hope you are winding down your work week and are getting ready for Christmas in a little over a week! I know I am excited that tomorrow is my last day of work for 2021.  It will be so nice to get a little break to prep for 2022 and start the year off strong.

For today's post I thought it could be fun to share the things I love about Christmas.  Christmas is my favorite holiday {with Halloween a close second} so it won't be hard for me to come up with all of the reasons why I love this time of year. 

Things I love about Christmas

1. The holiday movies.  If you've been following along since the beginning of Blogmas, then you know that I love Christmas movies! They're so fun and so nostalgic and I love watching them.  I even went so far as to share my top 5 Christmas movies with you all earlier this month.

2. All the delicious treats.  If you're anything like me then you love baking, especially around the holidays.  There is nothing better than baking fresh cookies and enjoying all of the yummy smells in the house.  Right now our house smells like ginger bread from the houses we built last weekend with our friends.

3. The pretty lights.  I love driving around and looking at all of the pretty lights during the holiday season.  There is something so special about driving around the looking at all the lights at night.  I also love all the light shows around that we can visit.

4. Time with family and friends.  Another favorite around the holidays is all the time we get with our family or friends.  It's so fun getting together and being festive together.  This year we did a small party and we decorated gingerbread houses and did a white elephant give exchange.

5. Gift giving.  I know that Christmas is not about the gifts, but I love shopping for and buying gifts for other people.  I usually start my shopping sometime in the summer and buy things for people as I see them.  I really try to make my gifts themed around things that I saw that made me think of that person or things I know the person would really enjoy to receive.

Well that is everything for today! These are the top five things that I love about Christmas.  There are so many other things I love about Christmas, but I thought I'd share a few of my favorite.  Also, I should note that I got yesterday's and today's posts switched.  So sorry! Come back tomorrow where I will be sharing a few of my favorite holiday snacks (including links to recipes).

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