March: Month @ a Glance {03.01.22}

Hello and happy March everyone! I am struggling to believe that we've already completed our first month of 2022.  It feels like I was just writing this post for January yesterday.  It's kind of crazy.  This month I'm excited because we really don't have many plans for the month and I look forward to having no obligations. 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. St. Patrick's Day Brunch with the Girls.  We had so much fun at our Galentine's Day brunch that we thought it would be fun to plan another one in March! So why not make it St. Patrick's Day themed.  I'm hoping to find a traditional Irish breakfast to add to our already awesome potluck - if you have any recommendations, let me know!

2. Enjoy a quiet month! Surprisingly the only plans I have for the month are the brunch, so I'll be enjoying some quiet time. 

Goals for March

1. Read three books: Ideally I'd like to read more than three, but we will see how the month goes!

2. Order backsplash for the kitchen and plan a weekend to install. We already know what tile we want for the backsplash - now I just need to order it.  I am also planning to extend the window ledge in the kitchen to allow me to store more up in the window versus around the sink.  I'm hoping this will be an easy process to order, but we will see! 

3. Finish the living room.  The living room is 99% done with the exception of replacing one of the shelves.  I am so happy that we were able to get it majority done - now to just to back to IKEA to get the shelf and finish the space off.  

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope your year is off to a great start.  

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in March?

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