tuesday things {11.14.23}


Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week and have many fun things to look forward to for the rest of the week.  Today I am doing another round of 5 Things Friday where I share 5 things from the past week.  If you want to see past Tuesday Things, click here

1. We put cabinets up in our laundry room this weekend and I am so excited.  We purchased the cabinets back in January but haven't gotten around to hanging them up until this weekend.  I was thinking it would make the space feel smaller, but, surprisingly, it made the space feel so much later.  I'm excited to get in there and do some organization in the space since we have so much more room to store things in there.  Check it out!

2. I think for the laundry room I want to be very deliberate with what I'm storing in there.  We have a tendency to just throw things in cabinets without really being intentional with the space.  For the laundry room, we're actually getting more room to store items so I will be going through everything prior to putting it into the space.

3. I think I have carpel tunnel in my left hand and I'm annoyed.  It happens from time to time and it causes an irritating pain in the dead middle of my wrist.  Sometimes I wonder if it's just an old injury flaring up because I broke my wrist as a kid and the spot that hurts was affected, but this is probably just from too much typing.

4. I have been daydreaming about starting a side business but I haven't pulled the trigger yet.  I think what's holding me back is that I already have a great day-job and do I really need to add more to my plate? I'm not sure that would be the best use of my time.  But owning my own business is something I think of often.  Just not sure how I would make it work. 

5. I came across the cutest holiday sweater and I really want it.  But I really do not need another "ugly" Christmas sweater. But there is something so special about a sweater that says Meowy Christmas and plays music.  Check it out below! If you want to shop, click on the picture. 

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week. 

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