Weekend Highs and Lows #9

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post


Happy Monday Friends! Hello from Uruguay! Today we are heading to Buenos Aires.  I will make sure to share more with you when I get back to the states a week from today.  The trip has been amazing so far!  We have spent a lot of time in Montevideo enjoying the local activities and getting accustomed to how they do things around here.


On Friday I got a call from Justin telling me that Frye was very sick and would need to have surgery or be put down.  To be honest, I was not sure that we would be able to afford to have his surgery and he would have to be put down - thankfully Justin's parents were able to help us and Frye had emergency surgery on Friday.  Right now he is at home recovering with justin and continues to get better over the next few weeks.

Well that's all for now! I hope everyone has a wonderful week this week! 

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows

I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment

  1. I am so happy to hear that you were able to help your kitty - what an awful feeling being so far away at a time like that BUT now he will be home waiting to cuddle with you :-)


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