Weekend Highs & Lows #45

Happy Monday Friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! This weekend was a bit chaotic for us, but we had a wonderful time enjoying the cooler weather and some awesome people!

Sorry I disappeared for a week! It has been a little crazy lately between work and all of the things we've had happening.  I promise I will jump back on the bandwagon and share some fun content with you all.  



On Friday night we finished painting our dining room! Once we get the table in the room, I will be sure to show the whole thing, but in the mean time, here is a sneak peek of the changes that we made to the room:

What do you think? So far I am loving it, but we have a ways to go before we are finished with the room.

Saturday morning I got up to go for a quick run before getting the house ready for Sarah's going away party! We had a fun evening spent with fun Halloween costumes, good company and general relaxation.  I love getting together with some friends to celebrate a major life event! Sarah leaves for Bali in two weeks for one year or more! We are so excited to see where this journey takes her.

Sunday was spent sleeping in, a "long' run, cleaning and doing some chores.  Of course, I also had a few in-home parties to go to in the evening and spend some time getting some Christmas ideas for family and friends.


Haven't been feeling the greatest lately.  Hopefully whatever it is will go away and I can start getting back to normal.

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