tuesday things.

❤ Watching a friend get married is such a wonderful thing.  There's nothing more exciting than watching them take the next big step in life with the person they love. 

❤ We should be getting our curtains this week in the mail, is it embarrassing to admit that I am so excited to hang them up and add a pop of color to my living room?

❤ I am so psyched that Justin's parents opened their pool.  Now to just make some time to go over and actually enjoy it this year.

❤ Sometimes I wonder things like, "who looked at a crab and thought, 'I need to eat that'?' Seriously, who decided that these would be something we would not only eat, but pay a decent amount of money for? 

❤ Have you ever done a bullet journal? I am so excited because I am going to be starting one next week! It's a bit late in the year, but I was so inspired on Pinterest that I could not pass up the opportunity. 

❤ I need to find moisturizing treatments for my hair and skin.  I just have to be careful because my hair is colored so the treatment has to be good with hair dye.

❤ I have not been motivated lately to accomplish much.  Not sure what is causing it, but I pinned a few articles to read to help get over the slump.  Hopefully once June gets done we can take a deep breath and really purge our house.

I am looking forward to one of our new patterns coming out next month with Thirty-One! If you have not had a chance, join my VIP Group to get the latest scoop on new product and patterns available.  

Question of the Day: What fun things have crossed your mind this week?
I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. I'm heading to BlogHer tomorrow and also in the midst of a site redesign, so that's what's mostly been preoccupying me this week :). I then head to Vegas for work immediately after that! (I come home for like 12 hours ... it's crazy lol)

    I agree re: weddings, especially when people get emotional :).

  2. I'm feeling ya on the hair. I got peek-a-boo color done earlier in the month, so I keep washing it in cold to make it last. I don't stand there long enough to use conditioner in the shower, so I've been indulging with my favorite leave in conditioner and coconut oil :) Good luck!

  3. I too have been struggling with motivation lately. I had to take some time off and am now having trouble getting back into the swing of things.

  4. I've been obsessing over my site stats this week - I'm on pace to beat October which is historically my best month.

    I wish I could figure out curtains to work in my living room/dining room. The dining room has an awkward double window - that isn't really a double. Plus the china cabinet is too close to the window.

  5. We're in the process of buying a beach rental. I'm so excited and scared at the same time. You have to take a leap to make your dreams come true.


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