Weekend Highs and Lows #8

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post


Happy Monday Friends! I am so sorry I was absent all week last week.  I have been fighting a few illnesses and just did the absolute minimum to survive the week.  This week I am back and ready to roll!

Because I will be out of town for our anniversary this year, Justin and I celebrated this weekend with a relaxing weekend.  On Saturday we went shopping to get some supplies and groceries for the next few weeks and while we were out, we grabbed the latest season of Big Bang Theory.  If you have not watched that show, I highly recommend watching it.  It makes me laugh every time.

When we got home, we blew up the air mattress, cooked dinner and spent the evening cuddling and watching Big Bang Theory.  It was not anything super big or special, but it was exactly what we both needed.


Honestly this weekend was great - I was able to relax and be lazy which is exactly what I needed.  I guess the only low is that I did not accomplish my To Do list like I was hoping that I would.

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows

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